Dr. Josef Köhr

Dr. Josef Köhr

Josef Köhr is an interesting wine grower where the new winds of winemaking have been successfully incorporated into a traditional winery. Ruppertsberg in the Palatinate is in the middle of an area that combines tourism, archeological finds and viticulture. The Köhr family has been operating here for centuries, the oldest documents about the family’s vineyards date back to 1648.

Currently in charge is Dr. Christopher Köhr, who has extensive international work and study experience in the wine industry prior to his doctoral dissertation. During his time, the farm has shifted even more strongly to a different production from the typical German. The share of red wines is already half, and oak barrel maturation has also been taken forward in many ways.

In addition to the Josef Köhr winery, the JK Winelounge restaurant and the Portavinea inn have received many positive reviews.
